EMMC-NAND flash програматор RT809H с 24 адаптера, нов...
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цена: 463.00 лв.
видян: 5428 пъти
ID номер: 15638
производ.: iFix
състояние: Нов
наличност: да
доставка: безплатна
до 2 работни дни

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VGA към HDMI кабел за програматор RT809H и RT809F

EMMC-NAND flash програматор RT809H с 24 адаптера, нов

модел/реф.No: RT809H

Full Support LCD TV FLASH drivers read and write unlimited capacity TSOP48 nand FLASH EMMC TSOP56 pin TOP8-16 pin Support CAR DVD, SMART TV.
The only universal programmer which can put ic in any position and make intelligent sense
The only universal programmer Support Read and program Laptop I/O via keyboard line
The only universal programmer Support Read and Program LCD TV VIA VGA and HDMI PORT
The only universal programmer Support ADD new flash by yourself without wait for factory
The only universal programmer built in Most of repair applications TV,DVD,DVB,and many isp software
The only universal programmer make selftest for LCD TV itself and diagnostic fault
The best programmer to read and programing flash on motherboard without removing out
Support Read and Programming OTP area
Support up to 64GB NAND FLASH

Short description:
- 48-pins powerful pindrivers, no adapter required for any DIL devices
- ISP connector for in-circuit programming
- VGA port to read and write LCD TV-MONITORS without disassembly
- HDMI port to read and write LCD TV-MONITORS without disassembly
- Connection to PC: USB 2.0 (up to 480 Mbit/s, high speed/full speed) and 1.1 compatible interface
- Comfortable and easy to use control program, works with all versions of MS Windows
- Can support any flash and very easy to add new flash
- High programming speed
- Advanced and powerful software functions
- Provides very competitive price coupled with excellent hardware design for reliable programming
- The programmer performs device insertion test (wrong or backward position) and contact check (poor contact pin-to-socket) before it programs each device. These capabilities, supported by overcurrent protection and signature-byte check help prevent chip damage due to operator error
- The selftest capability allow to run diagnostic part of software to thoroughly check the health of the programmer
- Support Auto select for any series of flash including TSOP48-NAND-EMMC-PLCC, ETC however Programmer is driven by an easy-to-use control program with pull-down menu, hot keys and on-line help. Selecting of device is performed by its class, by manufacturer or simply by typing a fragment of vendor name and/or part number
- All known data formats are supported. Automatic file format detection and conversion during loading of file
- The software also provide a special information about programmed device. As a special, the drawings of all available packages are provided
- The software provide a full information for ISP implementation: Description of ISP connector pins for currently selected chip, recommended target design around in-circuit programmed chip and other necessary information

Packing List
1 x RT809H universal programmer
1 x IC Chip Extractor
1 x USB cable
1 x VGA cable
1 x SOIC8 - DIP8 adapter ZIF (205mil)
1 x SOIC8 - DIP8 adapter (150mil)
1 x SOP16 150mil
1 x SOP20 200mil
1 x SOP28 300mil (also supports SOP20 SOP18 SOP16 300mil)
1 x TSSOP28 to DIP28
1 x SOP44 in DIP44
1 x TSSOP8 in DIP8
1 x PLCC20
1 x PLCC28
1 x PLCC32
1 x PLCC44
1 x ISCP board with wire
1 x TSSOP8 in DIP8
1 x KB9012 board
1 x SOP8 clamp test
1 x TSOP - VSOP - SSOP adapter
1 x ISP Cable
1 x ICSP Cable
1 x RT-SOP-A ISP Cable
1 x TSOP56 Adapter RT-TSOP56-A V1.1
1 x original TSOP48 nest
2 x IT8587 IT8585E flat cable
1 x FFC Line 200mm 0.5mm-32P
1 x FFC Line 200mm 1.0mm-32P
1 x FPC Base Under 0.5mm-32P
1 x FPC Base Under 1.0mm-32P

Материали за изтегляне (Datasheets, софтуер и др.):

RT809H - User Manual.pdf
RT809H - Software.zip
RT809H - Device Support List.txt

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