Canon PowerShot G1 X Mark II

1278.00 лв.
доставка: 0 лв.
продукт №  14724
състояние:  Нов
наличност:  на склад
Ефективни пиксели, MPApprox. 12.8M (Aspect ratio: 3:2); Approx. 13.1M (Aspect ratio: 4:3)
Сензор, тип1.5 type (18.7 mm x 14.0 mm) Canon high-sensitivity CMOS
Процесор, типDIGIC 6 with iSAPS technology
Обектив, фокусно разстояние12.5 – 62.5 mm (35 mm equivalent: 24 – 120 mm)
Оптично увеличение5x optical, ZoomPlus 10x
Цифрово увеличение4x (with Digital Tele-Converter Approx. 1.6x or 2.0x); Combined Approx. 20x
Максимално f/числоf/2.0-f/3.9
Оптичен стабилизаторyes (lens shift-type), approx. 3.5-stop. Intelligent IS with 5-axis Enhanced Dynamic IS
AF система/точкиAiAF (31-point, Face Detection or Touch AF with Object and Face Select and Track), 1-point AF (any position is available or fixed centre)
Ръчно фокусиранеyes, plus MF Peaking & AF + MF
Макро, cm5 cm (W) from front of lens in macro
ISO светлочувствителностAUTO, 100, 125, 160, 200, 250, 320, 400, 500, 640, 800, 1000, 1250, 1600, 2000, 2500, 3200, 4000, 5000, 6400, 8000, 10000, 12800
Дисплей, типTilt type, sRGB PureColor II Touchscreen LCD (TFT). 3:2 aspect ratio. Approx. 1,040,000 dots. In-cell capacitive type
Дисплей, inch7.5 cm (3.0")
Светкавица, режимиAuto, Manual Flash On / Off, Slow Synchro
Корекция на ефекта "червени очи"yes
Обхват на светкавицата50 cm – 6.8 m (W) / 50 cm - 3.5 m (T)
Размер на снимката, max3:2 - (RAW, L) 4352 x 2904; 4:3 - (RAW, L) 4160 x 3120; 16:9 - (RAW, L) 4352 x 2248; 16:9 - (RAW, L) 4352 x 2248; 4:5 - (RAW, L) 2496 x 3120
Скорост на затвора, s1 – 1/4000 sec. (factory default); 60 – 1/4000 sec. (total range – varies by shooting mode)
Режими на сниманеSmart Auto (58 scenes), Program/Shutter priority/Aperture priority AE, Manual, Custom 1/2, Hybrid Auto, Auto, Creative Shot, SCN (Portrait, Smart Shutter, Star, Handheld Night Scene, Underwater, Snow, Fireworks), Creative Filters, Movie
Панорамни снимки-
Разпознаване на лицаyes and FaceSelf-Timer
Задействане на затвора от усмивкаyes (Smile, Wink Self-Timer)
Методи на сниманеSingle, Auto Drive, Continuous, Continuous with AF, Self-Timer
Видео(Full HD) 1920 x 1080
Скорост при запис на видео, fps(Full HD, HD, L) 30 fps; Star Time-Lapse Movie (Full HD) 30, 15 fps; Miniature Effect (HD, L) 6fps, 3fps, 1.5 fps; Hybrid Auto (HD) 30 fps; iFrame Movie (Full HD) 30fps
Файлови форматиStill image: JPEG, RAW, RAW+JPEG; Movies: MP4
ИнтерфейсHi-Speed USB (MTP, PTP) dedicated connector (Mini-B compatible), A/V output (PAL/NTSC); Wi-Fi (IEEE802.11b/g/n), (2.4 GHz only), with NFC support
HDMIHDMI Micro Connector (HDMI-CEC compatible)
GPS позициониранеGPS via mobile (linked to compatible smartphone)
Носител за записSD, SDHC, SDXC (UHS Speed Class 1 compatible)
Приложен софтуерBrowsing & Printing: ImageBrowser EX; Other: CameraWindow, PhotoStitch, Map Utility; Image Manipulation: Digital Photo Professional for RAW development
Съвместими операционни системиWindows 8 / 8.1 / 7 SP1 / Vista SP2 / XP SP3, Mac OS X 10.7, 10.8, 10.9; For Wi-Fi connection to a PC: Windows 8 / 8.1 / 7 SP1 only, Mac OS X 10.7 / 10.8.2 or later / 10.9
Батерия, типRechargeable Li-ion Battery NB-12L (NB-12L battery and charger supplied)
Живот на батериятаApprox. 240 shots; Eco mode approx. 300 shots; Approx. 300 min. playback
Размери, mm116.3 x 74.0 x 66.2 mm
Тегло, gApprox. 558 g (including battery/batteries and memory card)
Други12.8 Megapixel CMOS with 3:2 aspect; Two customisable lens rings; NFC simplifies smartphone sharing; Control the camera with a smartphone; Tilt to shoot up high or down low; Capture starry skies with ease; Create SLR style background blur